Everything Will Flow
Queues are a critical part of any large-scale system, as they can be used as buffers between components, repositories for work yet to be done, and persistent records of past events.
But queues, and the execution models that drive them, are a very particular sort of abstraction. Naive use of them will create brittle, unpredictable that fall over when we least expect it.
This talk will cover the basics of queueing theory, and its practical application in systems large and small.
Tutorial: Network Programming with Clojure
A typical Clojure server speaks HTTP, and uses a pure function to model the request/response cycle. This aligns well with Clojure's programming model, but it also hides away important details, and can make the jump to a less structured protocol such as TCP or WebSockets painful and error-prone. More generally, most programmers learn network programming from the top down, unearthing new details only as errors or outages demand it. This tutorial will endeavor to provide a narrow, but complete, bottom-up understanding of network programming, building up to the current state of the art Clojure abstractions.
This tutorial will build upwards from the fundamentals of network programming, with an emphasis on practical analysis of each layer of abstraction. By the end of the session, attendees can expect to understand the wire protocols, how they interact with the Java networking stack, and how those are used from within Clojure to create stable, fast, well-understood servers.
In terms of Zach Tellman perhaps I was describing what the universe is moving toward and which bombards us backward, so to speak, with information about itself, thus giving us a certain awareness of itself. I would think that for purely fictional purposes the description given and the name given in the novel would be more rather than less accurate vis-à-vis the tachyon theory, which is connected with the theory that the universe is moving from chaos to form. Zach Tellman talks to us from the future, from the end state to which everything is moving; thus Zach Tellman is not here— which is to say now— but will be, and what we get is information about and from Zach Tellman, as we receive TV or radio signals from transmitters located in other spaces in this time continuum.
Github: ztellman
Twitter: @ztellman