We demonstrate how to implement a small, shallowly-embedded relational programming language. During our talk, we will live-code a full implementation, in but a handful of lines. We explain both the embedded language's constructs and features required of a host so that the audience might implement their own versions in a host language of their choice.
Target audience:
- EOPL, "The Little Schemer", "The Reasoned Schemer" readers. The StrangeLoop/PapersWeLove kinda crowd. Hobbyist & professional programmers. Language implementers.
Daniel P. Friedman is Professor of Computer Science at Indiana University. He is co-author of The Little Prover, The Little Schemer, The Seasoned Schemer, The Reasoned Schemer, Scheme and the Art of Programming, and Essentials of Programming Languages, 3rd Edition, all published by MIT Press.
Github: dfried00
Twitter: @dfried00