You need to implement a fault-tolerant, scalable, soft, real-time system with requirements for high availability. It has to be event driven and react to external stimulus, load, and failure. It must always be responsive. You have heard many success stories that suggest Erlang is the right tool for the job. And indeed it is—but while Erlang is a powerful programming language, on its own, it’s not enough to group these features together and build complex reactive systems. To get the job done correctly, quickly, and efficiently, you also need middleware, reusable libraries, tools, design principles, and a programming model that tells you how to architect and distribute your system.
In this tutorial, we will look at the steps needed to design scalable and resilient systems. The lessons learnt apply to Erlang, but are in fact technology agnostic and could be applied to most stacks, including Scala/AKKA, Elixir/OTP and others. We will focus on:
Francesco Cesarini is the founder of Erlang Solutions Ltd. He has used Erlang on a daily basis since 1995, starting as an intern at Ericsson’s computer science laboratory, the birthplace of Erlang. He moved on to Ericsson’s Erlang training and consulting arm working on the first release of OTP, applying it to turnkey solutions and flagship telecom applications. In 1999, soon after Erlang was released as open source, he founded Erlang Solutions, who have become the world leaders in Erlang based consulting, contracting, training and systems development. Francesco has worked in major Erlang based projects both within and outside Ericsson, and as Technical Director, has led the development and consulting teams at Erlang Solutions. He is also the co-author of 'Erlang Programming' and 'Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP' both published by O'Reilly and lectures at Oxford University.
Twitter: @FrancescoC