Bruce Williams
Author of "Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir" (CargoSense)
Bruce Williams is a technologist, entrepreneur, and language nut based in Portland, Oregon. He is the CTO of CargoSense, a logistics intelligence company built on and committed to supporting the Elixir and Erlang/ERTS ecosystem.
Bruce is co-creator of the Absinthe GraphQL toolkit for Elixir and the co-author of "Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir" (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2018; flying from the printer towards bookstores at this very moment).
Past Activities
Code BEAM SF 2018
16.15 - 17.00
A GraphQL-on-Elixir Primer
GraphQL, a data query language released by Facebook in 2015, has been growing steadily in popularity, with GraphQL APIs supplementing (and in many cases supplanting) REST APIs for use in modern client-side web and mobile applications.
In this talk you'll learn the fundamentals of GraphQL—how its types model your domain for use in queries, mutations, and live-data subscriptions—and how you can use Absinthe GraphQL toolkit to add rich, flexible GraphQL API to Elixir-based applications within minutes.