Christopher Coté
Technology, Sustainability, Food but Not Always in That Order! (Entropealabs)
Christopher Coté is a software engineer with a passion for hardware.
He is the Lead Lab Engineer for the National Association of Realtors' R&D Lab.
Chris also runs his own software development and consulting company, Entropealabs.
He was a lead engineer for the Obama 2012 campaign and has helped found and build several startups around the Chicago area.
Christopher has always found himself driven to create sustainable and efficient systems, whether that's for massive political campaigns, growing food or controlling and monitoring the built world.
This experience has given him a unique insight into how technology and the built world coexist in society today and will continue to evolve into the future.
Articles: 1
Arduino, Elixir and Nerves - SLIDES - Code BEAM SF 2018
Article by Christopher Coté
Slides from Christopher Coté's talk "Arduino, Elixir and Nerves: A deep dive into the Firmata protocol" - Code BEAM SF 2018