• 2


  • 7


  • 50+


  • 300+



Code Mesh V is a two-day virtual conference, bringing together users and speakers of different functional programming languages and alternative tech. 

The conference will run virtually across US and European time zones so that you can participate no matter where you are located.

Day 1: Thursday, 10:00 - 18:00 GMT Check the times where you are

Day 2: Friday, 16:00 - 24:00 GMT or 11:00 - 19:00 US Eastern Time Check the times where you are.

We bring together a wide range of alternative technologies and programming languages and the diverse people who use them to solve real-world problems in the software industry. We promote “the right tools for the job", as opposed to automatically choosing the tools at hand. And by ‘tools’ we mean technologies, programming languages, libraries, databases, operating systems, hardware platforms, or more general techniques, styles or paradigms.

In the spirit of learning from one another, it encourages the sharing of innovative ideas, through inspiring projects, top talks, in-depth tutorials, and networking opportunities. 

A combined Half or Full-Day Tutorial and Conference ticket combo can be purchased via our Eventbrite page which you can reach from the ticket section below. Once on Eventbrite, you can select which of the inspiring tutorials you would like to attend - for any help you can email us directly at training@erlang-solutions.com

If you've never been to the conference, check out some of the Best Talks from past Code Mesh events.




TICKETS - Register as an attendee to the conference.

TUTORIALS - Purchase a combo ticket for Tutorial + Conference ticket on Eventbrite here (you chooses your course after selection the half or full day course length ticket type)

STUDENT AND ACADEMIC TICKETS - We love students and academics. Get a special academic discount.

DIVERSITY SCHEME - We're committed to diversity at Code Mesh V. Applications to be submitted by 22 October 2020 apply here.

VOLUNTEER - Join the Code Mesh family and get free access to the conference! Applications to be submitted by 22 October 2020 apply here.

Sign up to the Code Mesh mailing list for the latest updates!


Our speakers

Tomas Petricek

Tomas Petricek

Not just a computer scientist


Cultures of Programming

05 Nov / 10.15 / Track 1
Felienne Hermans

Felienne Hermans

​Assistant Professor​ ​Delft University of Technology​


Panel Discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic

05 Nov / 17.10 / Track 2
Cynthia Solomon

Cynthia Solomon

Co-creator of Logo, author of "Computer Environments for Children"


A Computer Culture for Children. Encouraging Children’s Inventive Spirit

06 Nov / 16.15 / Track 1
Erik Meijer

Erik Meijer

If you look close enough, you discover dualities everywhere.


Keynote: Inside Every Calculus Is A Little Algebra Waiting To Get Out

06 Nov / 23.15 / Track 1
Leslie Lamport

Leslie Lamport

Author of LaTeX, Researcher @ Microsoft

Ask the expert - Thinking Mathematically Above The Code Level

06 Nov / 20.40 / Track 1

Philippa A. Gardner

Philippa A. Gardner

Professor of Theoretical Computer Science

Gillian: a Multi-language Platform for Compositional Symbolic Analysis

05 Nov / 13.45 / Track 2

David Turner

David Turner

Designer of SASL, KRC and Miranda

Open Sourcing Miranda

05 Nov / 11.30 / Track 1

Laura Bocchi

Laura Bocchi

Senior Lecturer @ University of Kent

Protocol engineering for communicating actors

06 Nov / 17.30 / Track 2

Herbert Daly

Herbert Daly

Academic, Talent Scout, Advocate @ University of Wolverhampton

A funny thing happened on the way to the future...' - Why Mainframes Still Matter

05 Nov / 12.50 / Track 1

Martin Odersky

Martin Odersky

Inventor of the Scala, founder of Lightbend

Ask Me Anything sessions with Scala Creator

05 Nov / 14.40 / Track 1

Panel discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic

05 Nov / 17.10 / Track 1

Kofi Gumbs

Kofi Gumbs

UI Engineer @Twitter

Teaching WebGL to Dance to Music

06 Nov / 18.50 / Track 1

Mary Grygleski

Mary Grygleski

Passionate community builder who believes in using tech for good

Deploying a Modern Serverless Reactive container to the Cloud

06 Nov / 18.50 / Track 3

Satnam Singh

Satnam Singh

Software Engineer at Google Research

A True Heart Of Silicon

06 Nov / 22.20 / Track 2

Roopsha Samanta

Roopsha Samanta

Verifies, repairs, and synthesizes code @ Purdue University

MANTIS: Semantics-driven Inductive Program Synthesis

06 Nov / 19.45 / Track 1

Kevlin Henney

Kevlin Henney

Words and Code and Words about Code

Concurrent Affairs: Procedural Programming Unlocked

05 Nov / 13.45 / Track 1

Elizabeth Ramirez

Elizabeth Ramirez

Working @ the intersection of High-Performance Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Machine Learning.

Ask Me Anything Session on Machine Learning and AI

05 Nov / 14.40 / Track 3

The Linear Algebra of Deep Learning

05 Nov / 16.15 / Track 3

Ron Pressler

Ron Pressler

Veteran programmer, leader of OpenJDK's Project Loom

Why User-Mode Threads Are Often the Correct Answer

06 Nov / 21.25 / Track 2

Sergey Bykov

Sergey Bykov

Bringing Cloud down to Earth

State of Affairs or Affairs of State

05 Nov / 15.20 / Track 1

Viktória Fördős

Viktória Fördős

Erlanger @ Cisco NSO core

Security of the BEAM

05 Nov / 12.50 / Track 3

Jonas Bonér

Jonas Bonér

Founder & CTO at Lightbend

Cloudstate - Towards Stateful Serverless

05 Nov / 11.30 / Track 3

Nobuko  Yoshida

Nobuko Yoshida

Professor of Computing at Imperial College London

Session Types: a History and Applications

05 Nov / 16.15 / Track 1

Edwin Brady

Edwin Brady

Creator of the Idris programming language; Lecturer

Panel discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic

05 Nov / 17.10 / Track 1

Dependent Type Driven Program Synthesis in Idris

06 Nov / 17.30 / Track 3

Anahit Pogosova

Anahit Pogosova

Lead Cloud Software Engineer at Solita

Ask me anything on Serverless

05 Nov / 14.40 / Track 2

Serverless Data Streaming on AWS

05 Nov / 15.20 / Track 3

Aaron Turner

Aaron Turner

Core team member of AssemblyScript, Creator / Maintainer of WasmByExample

Building a better web with WebAssembly at the edge

06 Nov / 22.20 / Track 3

Chelsea Troy

Chelsea Troy

By day, writer of code. By night, researcher of software risks. By always, lover of bubble tea.

What Counts as a Programming Language?

06 Nov / 22.20 / Track 1

William Byrd

William Byrd

Relational programming and program synthesis

What can we Learn from Pro-Gamers?

05 Nov / 15.20 / Track 2

James Roper

James Roper

Creator of Cloudstate

Cloudstate - Towards Stateful Serverless

05 Nov / 11.30 / Track 3

Oskar Wickström

Oskar Wickström

Functional programming, architecture, and testing

Quickstrom: Specifying and Testing Web Applications

05 Nov / 12.50 / Track 2

Valentin Rothberg

Valentin Rothberg

A Bavarian living in France working on all-things containers.

Ask me Anything on Containers and Orchestration

05 Nov / 12.10 / Track 2

Podman - create, run and secure Linux containers

05 Nov / 13.45 / Track 3

Ramsey Nasser

Ramsey Nasser

Lisp Compilers and Video Games

Building My First Lisp Compiler

05 Nov / 16.15 / Track 2

Bernardo Amorim

Bernardo Amorim

Built a bank using Elixir and created a Word to HTML converter in Ruby that also converted math formulas to MathML

Learn You Some Lambda Calculus

06 Nov / 17.30 / Track 1

Francis	Toth

Francis Toth

Principal Engineer @ Contramap. Supports strongly-typed Functional Programming

How I learned to stop worrying and love Functional Design

06 Nov / 21.25 / Track 1

Simon Tabor

Simon Tabor

Principal Software Engineer @ DAZN with a passion for scaling APIs

Serverless WebSockets at Scale

06 Nov / 19.45 / Track 3

Lukas Larsson

Lukas Larsson

Erlang VM core committer

JIT Compiler for Erlang/OTP

06 Nov / 18.50 / Track 2

Dmytro Lytovchenko

Dmytro Lytovchenko

Senior developer at Erlang Solutions, refactoring terrible software to be pretty and readable

Hitchhiker's Tour of the BEAM

05 Nov / 11.30 / Track 2

Dean Wampler

Dean Wampler

Author of O'Reilly's "What Is Ray?" report and "Programming Scala, Third Edition"

Ray: A System for High-performance, Distributed Computing

06 Nov / 19.45 / Track 2

Bryan Hunt

Bryan Hunt

Open source contributor, solutions architect at Erlang solutions

Panel Discussion: The number of orchestration technologies is too damn high!

06 Nov / 21.25 / Track 3

Gilad Bracha

Gilad Bracha

Computational Theologist Emeritus. Known for Java specs, but proud of Newspeak

Panel discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic

05 Nov / 17.10 / Track 1

Thomas Depierre

Thomas Depierre

Building collaborative Software Agents

Panel Discussion: The number of orchestration technologies is too damn high!

06 Nov / 21.25 / Track 3

Jani Leppanen

Jani Leppanen

In building services that power typographic features in Adobe's applications, efficiency equals happiness.

Panel Discussion: The number of orchestration technologies is too damn high!

06 Nov / 21.25 / Track 3

Jake Morrison

Jake Morrison

Lover of Elixir, DevOps and green tea

Panel Discussion: The number of orchestration technologies is too damn high!

06 Nov / 21.25 / Track 3

Erlang Creators

Erlang Creators

Bjarne Däcker, Mike Williams, Robert Virding

Ask Me Anything with Erlang Creators

05 Nov / 12.10 / Track 1



Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

10.00 - 10.15

Welcome - GMT timing!

10.15 - 11.15

Tomas Petricek


Track 1

Cultures of Programming

11.30 - 12.10

David Turner

Track 1

Open Sourcing Miranda


Dmytro Lytovchenko

Track 2

Hitchhiker's Tour of the BEAM

Jonas Bonér and James Roper

Track 3

Cloudstate - Towards Stateful Serverless


12.10 - 12.40

Erlang Creators

Track 1

Ask Me Anything with Erlang Creators

Valentin Rothberg

Track 2

Ask me Anything on Containers and Orchestration

12.50 - 13.30

Herbert Daly

Track 1

A funny thing happened on the way to the future...' - Why Mainframes Still Matter


Oskar Wickström

Track 2

Quickstrom: Specifying and Testing Web Applications


Viktória Fördős

Track 3

Security of the BEAM

13.45 - 14.25

Kevlin Henney

Track 1

Concurrent Affairs: Procedural Programming Unlocked


Philippa A. Gardner

Track 2

Gillian: a Multi-language Platform for Compositional Symbolic Analysis

Valentin Rothberg

Track 3

Podman - create, run and secure Linux containers


14.40 - 15.10

Martin Odersky

Track 1

Ask Me Anything sessions with Scala Creator

Anahit Pogosova

Track 2

Ask me anything on Serverless

Elizabeth Ramirez

Track 3

Ask Me Anything Session on Machine Learning and AI

15.20 - 16.00

Sergey Bykov

Track 1

State of Affairs or Affairs of State


William Byrd

Track 2

What can we Learn from Pro-Gamers?

Anahit Pogosova

Track 3

Serverless Data Streaming on AWS

16.15 - 16.55

Nobuko Yoshida

Track 1

Session Types: a History and Applications

Ramsey Nasser

Track 2

Building My First Lisp Compiler


Elizabeth Ramirez

Track 3

The Linear Algebra of Deep Learning


17.10 - 18.10

Sophia Drossopoulou , Martin Odersky , Edwin Brady , Felienne Hermans and Gilad Bracha

Track 1

Panel discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic


Felienne Hermans


Track 2

Panel Discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic

18.10 - 18.20

Closing notes

18.30 - 19.00

Dylan Beattie unplugged

19.00 - 20.00

Birds of a Feather sessions


Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

16.00 - 16.15


16.15 - 17.15

Cynthia Solomon


Track 1

A Computer Culture for Children. Encouraging Children’s Inventive Spirit

17.30 - 18.10

Bernardo Amorim

Track 1

Learn You Some Lambda Calculus


Laura Bocchi

Track 2

Protocol engineering for communicating actors


Edwin Brady

Track 3

Dependent Type Driven Program Synthesis in Idris


18.10 - 18.40

Jane Waite and Cynthia Solomon

Track 1

Ask Me Anything on Teaching Children to Code

John Hughes

Track 2

Ask Me anything about Haskell

18.50 - 19.30

Kofi Gumbs

Track 1

Teaching WebGL to Dance to Music


Lukas Larsson

Track 2

JIT Compiler for Erlang/OTP


Mary Grygleski

Track 3

Deploying a Modern Serverless Reactive container to the Cloud


19.45 - 20.25

Roopsha Samanta

Track 1

MANTIS: Semantics-driven Inductive Program Synthesis


Dean Wampler

Track 2

Ray: A System for High-performance, Distributed Computing

Simon Tabor

Track 3

Serverless WebSockets at Scale


20.40 - 21.15

Leslie Lamport

Track 1

Ask the expert - Thinking Mathematically Above The Code Level

21.25 - 22.05

Francis Toth

Track 1

How I learned to stop worrying and love Functional Design


Ron Pressler

Track 2

Why User-Mode Threads Are Often the Correct Answer

Why User-Mode Threads Are Often the Correct Answer


Bryan Hunt , Veronica Lopez , David Schainker , Thomas Depierre , Jani Leppanen and Jake Morrison

Track 3

Panel Discussion: The number of orchestration technologies is too damn high!

22.20 - 23.00

Chelsea Troy

Track 1

What Counts as a Programming Language?


Satnam Singh

Track 2

A True Heart Of Silicon


Aaron Turner

Track 3

Building a better web with WebAssembly at the edge


23.15 - 00.15

Erik Meijer


Track 1

Keynote: Inside Every Calculus Is A Little Algebra Waiting To Get Out


We are always looking to improve diversity at our conferences. To help achieve this, we are providing free diversity places to under-represented groups in tech. Applications close on 22 October 2020.


JOIN US ONLINE! (London spirit)

This is a global event accessible to all online!

In spirit, we will be in London, the original location of the Code Mesh event originally scheduled at the time of this event!

Log in details will be sent to all attendees one day ahead of the event. 


Diversity & Inclusion Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Competition sponsor
