András G Békés

András G Békés

Senior software engineer working in the financial services industry

After 4 years of learning & teaching functional programming at university, Andras spent 4 years at Ericsson, working on probably the biggest software products ever implemented in a functional programming language, AXD301 and NETSim. Currently, Andras leads the team developing and operating the backend infrastructure of a data warehouse solution built around the kdb+ database engine, at Morgan Stanley. The kdb+ database query router - a crucial component of their infrastructure - is implemented in Erlang.

Past Activities

András G Békés
Code BEAM Lite Budapest
20 Sep 2019
10.05 - 10.30

Evolution of a kdb+ message router

9 years ago a proof-of-concept kdb+ load balancer software was developed in Erlang. Today it has hundreds of deployed instances and transfers billions of kdb+ messages daily. Lots of features were added over the years, and the codebase has grown to above 400 kB of Erlang with some features implemented in plugins written in kdb+. András will present some interesting facts about the software, discuss challenges faced over the years and the possible and chosen solutions.


András will present some interesting facts about the kdb+ message router software, discuss challenges faced over the years and their possible and chosen solutions.


Current users of Erlang/BEAM and those who are hesitant to choose Erlang/BEAM for a real-world application.