Andreas Löscher

Andreas Löscher

Software Engineer @ WhatsApp

Andreas started working with Erlang when he decided to do a PhD in Uppsala with Kostis Sagonas as supervisor, trying to make property-based testing smarter by incorporating search strategies. He joined WhatsApp in 2019 where he now supports Erlang developers connecting over 2 billion users end-to-end encrypted.

Past Activities

Roberto Aloi / Andreas Löscher
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
20 May 2021
12.20 - 13.00

The Future of Erlang LS

Erlang LS is slowly becoming the de-facto standard when it comes to an Erlang development environment. Being completely editor-agnostic, Erlang LS brings the most popular Erlang developer tools such as Elvis, Dialyzer and TypEr to the masses. But what is next?

During this talk we will discover what is cooking among the Erlang LS core contributors. We will peek at the work being done around the Build Server Protocol, which allows language servers to integrate with existing build tools (rebar3 anyone?) and the Debug Adapter Protocol, which can transform your editor into a fully-fledged debugger.


  • Showcase the current status of Erlang LS
  • Present the roadmap for Erlang LS
  • Give a gentle introduction to the BSP and DAP protocols


  • Anyone who feels the Erlang Community is lacking tools and IDEs
  • Anyone who would like to learn more about the Erlang LS project
  • Developers who want to boost their Erlang productivity
  • People who want to understand more about language servers
  • Authors of tools which they believe should be utilized more by the Erlang Community