Anna Neyzberg
Co-founder of ElixirBridge
Anna Neyzberg is a San Francisco native who has done a lot of work in the ruby community in SF and currently sits on the board of RailsBridge. She has taken this community organizing experience and last year co-founded ElixirBridge in SF- an organization that offers free weekend long workshops, with the goal of creating an inclusive welcoming space for underrepresented populations in tech to learn elixir. By day she works as a Developer at Carbon Five. When not in front of a keyboard, she is trying to get better at climbing rocks.
Past Activities
Code BEAM America 2021
12.15 - 13.00
Elixr Outlaws: Live from Undisclosed Locations
Elixir Outlaws will treat us to a podcast.
Code BEAM SF 2019
16.15 - 17.00
Go vs Elixir: A concurrency comparison
As software engineer we often are looking for the best tool for the job. Yet what about when languages appear similar? What then?
In this talk, we will compare Go and Elixir. These languages have similar principles but make core tradeoffs that affect when one might use them. We will specifically compare their concurrency paradigms to see what we might use when.
The goal of this talk is to have the audience walk away with a better understanding of the concurrency models in Go and Elixir and what the advantages and tradeoffs of each one are.
Mid to senior level devs with some experience in concurrent programming (basically everyone at Code BEAM SF).
Code BEAM V America
13.00 - 13.40
Wild Wild West
Elixir Outlaws will treat us to a podcast.
Code BEAM SF 2018
16.25 - 17.10
Crypto + concurrency
What is Crypto? Why should we care? And why Elixir? This talk explains how Cryptocurrencies work and why they are valuable. Then we build are own cryptocurrency in Elixir - gaining insight into why Elixir is an interesting option for the blockchain.
Explaining Cryptocurrency, and explaining how some of the powerful features of OTP lend themselves well to the blockchain
Individuals that are new to cryptocurrency and are new to Elixir