
Anna Sherman

Developer and team lead at Zillion, lead organiser for include(Chatt)

Anna is a functional developer and team lead at Zillion, an insurtech startup that makes it easy to protect the things you love. She is the Chair of ChaTech Women and Secretary of the Board of Directors for ChaTech. Anna is also an organizer for two developer meetups in Chattanooga -include(Chatt), formerly CodeXX, and Chadev.

Anna can also be found helping out with Carbon Five Hack Nights, Programming Interview Practice, and ChaJS. She has a passion for helping learners find their way in their developer journey. Anna also enjoys painting along with Bob Ross and spending time with her husband and dog.

Past Activities

Anna Sherman
Code BEAM SF 2020
06 Mar 2020
12.15 - 12.40

Pivot! How to handle change

Change is a natural part of the development process, however, many of us experience pain when we need to pivot. Whether at an organisation level or within a development feature, change can feel overwhelming.

Anna will discuss how to make change less painful through functional programming. She will also uncover foundational tools to help developers deal with change and maximize their growth through the process.

This talk has benefits for both seasoned and new functional developers.






Lessen the cognitive and emotional pain developers feel when undergoing change by demonstrating the benefits functional programming practices can have on mitigating that pain.


This talk is applicable to just about everyone. People interested in functional programming will understand more of its benefits. Seasoned developers will gain foundational tools for when they are confronted with change.