Haofei Wang
Director of Engineering @ Tubi
Haofei is a passionate software engineer who loves to build scalable distributed systems. Erlang OTP and video processing seem to be a natural fit for each other. He currently leads Elixir backend team at Tubi.
Past Activities
Code BEAM SF 2020
12.20 - 12.45
Large scale distributed video processing with OTP
Video processing is both CPU and IO heavy. When it comes to Tubi, where the system need to process thousands of hours each week, it became a quite big challenge.
The Tubi team has created a way of breaking a single video process job to hundreds of tasks and distributed different tasks to different nodes that live in the same cluster. The cluster is built on OTP, the resources (CPU and IO) used by each task on each node are properly managed. Each task is doing a tiny bit of the whole thing, the input of each task may come from the output the task, both tasks may be running in different nodes.
Video processing
Share the system we built which connects video processing with OTP.
All Elixir/Erlang engineers and people who are into video related things.