Hubert Łępicki
Chairman of the Board (AmberBit Sp. z o. o.)
Hubert has a decade of Ruby experience and he now works in Elixir. He is a co-owner of AmberBit, a software development company established in 2008, but he never stopped being primarily a programmer.
His interests outside of trying new technologies include; playing retro video games, building LEGO with his daughters, reading sci-fi books and watching cheesy TV series.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Lite Amsterdam
12.20 - 13.00
Keeping tabs on production
In this talk, Hubert will discuss what are the building blocks, provided by Erlang and Elixir ecosystem, which allow us to monitor production systems. He will focus on new(-ish) Logger functionality, which came with OTP 21. He will show us how to integrate it with external services, make it track all exceptions that happen in the system and track metrics. We will also have a look at Telemetry and handling exceptions in Elixir itself.
To get the audience familiar with what tools are at our disposal to build monitoring and logging solutions.
Elixir developers who also do a little bit of dev-ops.