Joel Jucá
Founder and host of Elug CE
Joel is a self-taught, full-stack web engineer with experience in different industries.
Fan of Elixir, he shifted his career to work with Elixir and the BEAM ecosystem for its superior capabilities and overall development experience.
He's also the founder and host of Elug CE, one of the most active local meetups in Brazil.
Past Activities
Code BEAM America 2021
11.45 - 12.10
Fireside chat on how to grow your local community / Como criar sua comunidade local
This will be a Chat in Portuguese with the organizers and moderators of the biggest Elixir communities in Brazil: Elug-CE, Elug-SP and the telegram group Elixir Brasil.
Why local communities are important? How to start? What are the challenges?
Esse será uma conversa em Português, com os organizadores e moderadores das maiores comunidades brasileiras de elixir: Elug-CE, Elug-SP e o grupo do telegram "Elixir Brasil".
Porque comunidades locais são importantes? Como começar? Quais são os desafios?