Karl Nilsson
Karl wrestles distributed rabbits for a living
Karl comes from a .NET background (C# / F#) where he worked mostly on distributed systems. He is an avid proponent of functional programming. He is now a Senior Member of Technical Staff at VMware.
Past Activities
Code BEAM V America
10.15 - 10.55
Ask me anything about RabbitMQ
Open session with RabbitMQ contributors - a chance to ask them questions you always wanted about their work.
Code BEAM America 2021
10.50 - 11.15
Fireside chat on RabbitMQ
Discussion on RabbitMQ, it’s usage, design and Erlang implementation aspects. We discuss supported protocols (e.g. AMQP, MQTT) as well as different queue types and their purpose, along with consensus and HA/scalability matters. We discuss the available RabbitMQ toolkits and libraries which the community can adopt for building their own distributed systems.
Code BEAM STO 2019
13.40 - 14.25
Make a distributed toolbox with Ra
Ra is an implementation of the Raft consensus protocol by Team RabbitMQ. In RabbitMQ, Ra is used to implement a consistent replicated queue but that isn't all that Ra can be used for. This talks will be a practical session on how to implement consistent distributed system essentials, such as replicating a key-value stores, leader election processes, lock servers and other coordination services on top of the Ra library.
Share knowledge of the Ra library and how to achieve common distributed system patterns using it.
People who write distributed systems and are interested in strong consistency and the trade-offs involved in writing and maintaining such systems.