Mikkel Høgh
18 years of experience building web applications in of all shapes and sizes
Building his first website in 1999, Mikkel has worked with application architecture and development on scores of projects, including some significant e-commerce applications, as well as being a key architect of the platform used to drive all public libraries in Denmark.
Past Activities
15.20 - 16.00
Rebuilding a complex web-app with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
Mikkel Høgh and team, rebuilt a seven-year-old DNS control panel app, originally built with Drupal, Node.js and Ember.js into a much simpler and easier to maintain Phoenix-web app. LiveViews replacing complex JavaScript workflows and Elixir/OTP replacing server side tasks.
Mikkel Høgh will show how migrating reduced complexity, increased maintainability and DX.
Talk objectives:
- Share experiences, explain potential benefits and pitfalls, inspire people to do more with LiveView.
Target audience:
- Anyone who’s interested in LiveView and not already an expert.