Péter Gömöri
BEAM Enthusiast, XProf maintainer
Peter spent quite a few years at Ericsson where he became an Erlang native. Later he utilised his experience in various other industries from sports-betting to online advertisement at Erlang Solutions. Recently, he has joined Appliscale to fight with cloud-scale systems.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Lite Amsterdam
16.00 - 16.20
The Yin and Yang of Mutability
In the footsteps of Erik Stenman and Michal Muskala let's explore another part of the BEAM VM. The two extremes of mutability: atomic counters and persistent terms were introduced without much ado, almost secretly in the patch release OTP 21.2. Via an example using them in an hdr histogram implementation Péter would like to explore their behaviour, caveats and limitations. And also show some benchmarks for scenarios when "you have to measure".
Insight into these two small but interesting features of the BEAM.
Those with a bit of interest in the BEAM.
Code BEAM SF 2020
15.20 - 15.45
The Yin and Yang of mutability
In the footsteps of Erik Stenman and Michal Muskala, let's explore another part of the BEAM VM. The two extremes of mutability: atomic counters and persistent terms were introduced without much ado, almost secretly in the patch release OTP 21.2. Via an example using them in an hdr histogram implementation, I'd like to explore their behaviour, caveats and limitations. And also show some benchmarks for scenarios when "you have to measure".
Insight into these two small but exciting features of the BEAM.
Everyone with a bit of interest in the BEAM.
Code BEAM Lite Amsterdam 2018
16.30 - 16.50
XProf 2.0 - Evolution of tracing-based investigation
How do you introspect Erlang/Elixir production systems handling a large number of concurrent requests? There are certainly many ways. Peter will present an intuitive, visual debugging workflow with XProf through real-world examples.
XProf was originally created to hunt down performance issues. But actually, we don’t face serious performance problems every single day. So the second major release is focused to create a powerful query tool with which you can easily formulate questions about the system behaviour and get meaningful answers immediately.
Peter will show features we added and how he aims to make the tool modular (with a split architecture) and extensible (via a generalised command framework) to fit multiple setups and use-cases.