Peter Saxton
Elixir developer (Pay with Curl)
As a regular participant in hacknights and meet-ups in London, Peter is always learning something new.He is keen to share his latest insights and has written and presented on the topic of Domain Driven Design. Currently, Peter is enjoying seeing how DDD concepts merge with the rigor of functional languages.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Lite Amsterdam 2018
10.25 - 10.45
Mind your own business View Controller
Many applications are a perfect fit for Model View Controller(MVC). There are also many applications where MVC is not suitable. In both cases Elixir is a great choice. This talk will be a guide for alternative architectures e.g Hexagonal/Onion/Clean.
In this talk Peter will review some ideas for designing software. Ask what separation of concerns really means? Discuss how to use the tools we have to organise our code, such as mix, umbrellas and releases. Finally, he will ask some questions about what more the Elixir ecosystem needs to reach its potential?
Code BEAM STO 2019
16.25 - 17.10
Raxx.Kit - lean mean web development for Elixir
The Raxx ecosystem is a powerful, focused and extensible toolkit for web development. By providing tools focused just on the web layer, it is flexible enough to be used in any kind of application. Raxx.Kit boosts getting started with Raxx. It does this by introducing conventions for project structure, asset management, deployment, testing and more. Now Raxx has reached 1.0, development is focused on bolstering and expanding the conventions in Raxx.Kit that are most useful for developers.
Introduce the audience to efficient web developemnt with Raxx
Code Mesh LDN 2018
16.25 - 17.10
Message passing for actors and humans with Raxx
Elixir, and Erlang, implement an elegant model of message passing. This is their secret sauce for managing concurrency.
HTTP is the primary means of communicating between clients and servers, and often between servers and other servers, it is a protocol for message passing.
Raxx is an Elixir toolkit that treats HTTP interactions as just another kind of message. These external messages are handled in a way completely analagous to internal messages between processes.
This talk will start with an explanation of the core concepts and getting started with Raxx.
Extending message passing to all parts of a system provides a uniform model to describe it.
This talk will explore how to use this model to reason about interactions in an extended web application, from server to browser to human.
Attendee will learn some basics about Elixir and it's web tools (10-15 min).
They will also learn about the Actor model and issues relating to its use, such as:
- at least/most once delivery
- request/response patterns
- race-conditions
Anyone interested in developing non trivial distributed systems