Simon Unge
Senior Developer at Zoom Communications
Simon Unge is an on again/off again Erlang developer who always strive to work with Erlang, but for reasons always ends up working with other stuff. He is finally on the wagon again as a full blown Erlang developer working on Zooms ejabberd server.
Past Activities
Code BEAM America 2021
11.45 - 12.10
EDBG: Your TTY debugger
This is yet another "Yet another" talk about EDBG, a TTY tool built on top of Erlang debugger and tracer. Now, there are plenty of really good debugging tools for Erlang out there, so why is this one written? I have no idea, but I can say it is a simple enough tty debugger for me to finally stop using the graphical debugger. No more WX build issues on OSX. Just plain text, accessible through the shell. In this talk, I will introduce the tool and show you how to use it, highlighting its advantages and hopefully convince you to give it a try.
Code BEAM SF 2020
14.30 - 15.15
How Cisco is using Erlang for intent-based networking
Cisco is shipping 2 million devices per year with Erlang in them, thanks to its use of ConfD and NSO, products acquired by Cisco when they acquired the Swedish company Tail-F in 2014. This talk would introduce what NSO and CONFD are, how Erlang is used within them, as well as new products Cisco is building using Erlang ontop of NSO and ConfD
Raise awareness that Cisco is using Erlang in key products in its portfolio, and new development and products are constantly being build using Erlang.
Anyone curios in how/why/if the big dinosaur companies in the Bay are using Erlang.