Valentin Micic

Valentin Micic

Making decent living using Erlang since 2001

Omnia mea mecum porto. 

Escaped from Balkans in 1991 and remained happy ever after... Bought furniture at four continents and fond of distributed living.

Past Activities

Valentin Micic
Code BEAM STO 2019
16 May 2019
11.35 - 12.20

Building of distributed time series database - techniques and lessons learned

The Time-Series Database (TSDB) has been designed to mange storage and retrieval of data using chronological order. It presumes no further ordering or classification of data, which remains opaque to the database management system itself. The challenges encountered during the process include, high transaction rates, "temper resistance" and data encryption.


Share some interesting (and hopefully relevant) techniques with Erlang community.


Erlang software engineers that could benefit from techniques used to store and retrieve reasonably high data volumes.