Viktor Gergely
Software Developer
Viktor Gergely has always been interested in declarative programming languages since his university studies. His career as a software developer started in 2007, and that was the time he first discovered Erlang. Besides experimenting with other areas of software development, his passion towards Erlang has continued ever since. Currently, Viktor takes part in the development of various Erlang and Elixir applications at Erlang Solutions.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Lite Virtual
17.35 - 18.00
Building Android applications on Erlang intelligence
How do we utilize the power of Erlang in Android applications? We'll review the virtual machine that runs Erlang modules and enables communication with Android. During the talk, a simple Erlang game logic will be presented focusing on the aspects of integration, into a non-standard Erlang runtime system. CoffeeBeam Android VM is taken as an example to show the restrictions and optimisation considerations when planning information flow between the phone application and the underlying BEAM logic.
Show the possibility of running Erlang logic on Android and demonstrate what architectural differences need to be considered when compared to a PC.
Developers who are familiar with the basic concepts of at least one language on the BEAM.